Many people suffer from bodily or psychological symptoms for which no clear medical reason can be found. Such symptoms are often called psychosomatic or functional in medicine.
Examples for such symptoms are:
- Tense muscles and painful joints
- Classic pain and neck pain
- Strange sensations like numbness or tingling
- Problems with posture
- Lack of energy, tiredness, burn-out
- Problems with digestion, irritable bowel syndrome
- Psychological problems like depression or phobias
These symptoms are treated with various methods, but typically the treatment only occurs symptom-oriented. Even if the symptom is suppressed the treatment can have unpleasant side effects or the symptom manifests itself in a different place.
In my experience such symptoms are often a reflection that the body is out of balance in different functional systems. The most important functional systems are:
- The fascial system (connective tissue system)
- The perceptional system
- The energetic system
- The psychological-emotional system
Read now how I treat these different levels of functionality.