Dr. Michael Kücken

Michael Kücken

To understand what is really going on under the surface of things has always attracted me. And what could there be more complex than the interplay between the human body and the human soul. The journey through the levels of the fascinating systems of human has been intellectually and emotionally gratifying and helped me to bring peace to many of my problems in life. It is a journey that I encourage you to undertake yourself.



After studying mathematics I obtained a PhD in the USA at the University of Arizona in biomathematics and continued working scientifically at different universities. Because of chronic pain I got to know the Rolfing method which fundamentally changed my life. After learning the Rolfing method I studied further treatment methods for the body and the soul which allows me now to offer a more comprehensive concept for my clients.

In my work with clients I experienced how small but very precise impulses can profoundly influence and change body and soul. Experiencing these changes in me and my clients is a constant inspiration.

When working with clients I find it important to avoid any coercion, to respect resistance, to understand connections, to communicate honestly and to continue learning and studying.


Many people suffer from bodily or psychological symptoms for which no clear medical reason can be found. Such symptoms are often called psychosomatic or functional in medicine.

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The functional systems do not operate separate from each other but are tightly interwoven. This means that a certain symptom is treated best on all these functional systems.

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At the beginning of the first session there is a comprehensive conversation where we discuss whatever issue you brought to me. I explain how I work before the actual treatment begins.

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Do you want to get to know me? Then just call me or use the contact form.

Phone: +49(0)351 - 48 24 605
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